Creators Connect

At an official news conference hosted by the Shanghai government on May 29, 2022, Wu Qing, a member of the Standing Comm...more

Gre Nxt

People in Shanghai are finally allowed to go to offices, shopping and do exercises on their own. Some restrictions still...more


安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿 于5月26日 在乔治·华盛顿大学的讲话本届政府对中华人民共和国的方针乔治·华盛顿大学华盛顿特区布林肯...more


劳东燕是清华大学法学院的教授。 她5月23日发布的一条博文很快就被删除了。 我觉得她讲的话很有分量, 很值得大家一看。 “有人反...more

Real Lucky

China's policy of Reform and Opening-up was started by Deng Xiao Ping in December 1978. After he was appointed as the Fi...more

Gre Nxt

In an attempt to contain the new variants of Covid-19, Shanghai's government has restricted 25 million people to their a...more

Master Pundit

After months of intense crackdown on businesses and Internet companies in China, the Politburo of the Chinese Communist ...more


Shanghai residents in several districts made their anger known by knocking pots and pans starting at 7:30pm on April 28....more


Hear Shanghai voices of April, a video that is forbidden in China. 


普京宣布俄军在马里乌波尔取得胜利, 要移军乌东。 然而据美国媒体报道, 俄军仅仅拿下了一个小镇, 鲁比日内, 并未取得他们所宣...more


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