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Glenn Youngkin Is the Harbinger of Hope for Virginia

Are parents interested in their kids having a good education and growing up healthy individuals equipped with the right knowledge and skills for a modern society? Or are parents willing to abandon their rights and have their kids to be told by some teacher that they are born evil just because of they are white? Glenn Youngkin understands Virginian parents' minds and thinking. His promise of banning Critical Race Theory on his first day in office resonates with many Virginian parents. 

How many of us are grateful that our parents made sacrifices in order for us to have a good education? Youngkin represents not only parents in Virginia but parents in other states as well. He articulates the dreams of parents who want to have a say in their children's education and who wish their kids to have better opportunities than themselves. 

This is one of the universal values cherished by hard working families all over the worlds. Terry McAuliffe definitely showed he has lost touch with parents, at least those working parents who wish their kids have more opportunities.    

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