Creators Connect

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What makes a creator?

What makes a creator? Here are just a few attributes of a creator:

Love the freedom to think, write, express and build something. 

Being brave in pursuing one's passion regardless of risks. 

Ability to turn a unique idea, perspective or concept into reality.

Being resourceful in monetization in order to sustain their work. 

Ability to lead and inspire others.

Not all creations and not all creators are successful. A creator has a stronger desire to create rather than
their fear of failure. A creator's efforts, no matter the outcome, will inspire others about what is possible.   
The biggest joy for a creator is to see their creations being used and enjoyed by others.  

Who are the creators? They are the free people around us - Writers, bloggers, video-makers, artists, designers, musians, entrepreneurs, communicators, planners, programmers, to name only a few. 

Where do creators flourish? A country that protects freedom, that values independent and original thinking. 

People's lives are better off because of the creators. The world is a better place because of these creators. Let's make sure creators have the freedom they need. 

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