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Man in the Arena - True Story of an American who Changed Not Only His Industry but the Country

What makes a real creator, a successful businessman, maker of the U.S. presidents? How did a young media executive from Ohio use his wit, instinct and unmatched ability in packaging a presidential candidate who otherwise was losing and would have little chance of winning like Richard Nixon? Or later on turning around Ronald Reagan's challenged presidential campaign? How did he understand and connect with regular American voters which gave him the magic touch on not just one but a series of presidential campaigns?  What was his business and management accumen that led to the creation of a top-rated cable news network that changed not only the media industry but also the country? How did he preserve the right of free speech and take on establishment in an industry dominated by liberal socialists? 

If you wish to learn the answers to these questions, watch this documentary. It tells a true story of an American hero. This is a required course for anyone whose major or profession is in markerting, media, communications, politics, publication, philosophy, history, or understanding the interaction between American people and politicians. 

I watched it on Amazon and learned a great deal. Here is the link to rent or purchase the documentary.



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