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Nathan Chen thanked 2 women for his winning gold medal in the Olympics

22-year old Nathan Chen won the gold medal for his flawless and superb figure skating performance in the Beijing Olympics. He thanked his mother for supporting his training. She made sacrifices often driving him long hours to California from Salt Lake City in Utah to see his current trainer. 

Nathan Chen also thanked former Olympic medalist Mitchell Kwan for being a champion and giving him inspiration. 

Some Chinese bloggers, having watched Nathan Chen's performance, expressed their admiration of him on social media. A blogger wrote in his Weibo blog that he supported Nathan Chen's representation of the U.S. and expressed his distain for Gu Ai Ling, the other American Chinese skiing gold medalist.  Born, raised and trained the U.S., Gu announced on her social media account in 2019 that she would represent China in the Beijing Olympics although she never formally renounced her U.S. citizenship. 

However, the blogger's writing was swiftly taken down or censored at Weibo. As usual, any expression that is not approved by the Chinese Communist Party is not tolerated on Weibo, which has proven itself once again as a tool for the CCP. 

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