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How Nathan Chen got to win his Olympic God medal

Nathan Chen won the world over with his flawless figure skating performance in the Beijing Olympics.  Nathan Chen revealed his secret in an earlier performance. 

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, Nathan Chen and Eileen Gu were two American-born athletes of Chinese descent. On Chinese social media, however, each received very different reactions. 

Nathan Chen was attacked as a traitor, an alien who does not speak Chinese. One real reason is that Chen, a U.S. citizen, chose to unwavingly represent the Team USA in the Beijing Olympics. Gu, however,  chose to represent China as early as 2019, as declared in her social media account. Gu seemed to want to get the benefits of the both countries - a U.S. passport, and all the benefits the U.S. provides - the freedom, training and education from the U.S. At the same time, she wanted the hefty money thrown from China.   
Chen has been unfairly attacked for his speaking little Mandarin, his support of an activist who condemned genocide of Xinjiang Uyghur people, and his choice of the music of Mao's Last Dancer for his performance in Seoul, Korea. 

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